
Thursday, March 29, 2007

KoA Prize

KoA Prize 2
Originally uploaded by ablossomknits.
So I hear a knock, knock, knock on my door and . . . there's a mailman out there telling me the Easter Bunny dropped this off for me . . .

What's inside????

For being chosen as the winner in the essay contest we had about a week ago . . I was honored with the following items:

Chocolate bun bun
Bunny mug with candies
Handmade bar of Mint Julep soap from Cottage Garden Therapies
Set of US2 dpns
One beautiful hank of hand dyed 100% cotton yarn

Once again, I am not worthy. *bow* I am so truly amazed at this . . . I have never won a contest before. This is my first prize . . ever. Thank you, I will not forget this kindness. :)


Anonymous said...

It's all so spring-y colored. LOL! Congrats on the prize.

knitwhit said...

Congratulations on your first prize! I love the chocolate bunny!

Barb said...

Congrats, the yarn looks GORGEOUS :)

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Safe and sound!