
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New to the blog

Thank you, Em, for inviting me.

I knit and am getting into spinning and dyeing; I don't have the MOA books yet; however, they are on my to-find list...*G*

I'm 42, happily married and have been interested in working with wool and fiber for a long time. We live in Mid-Missouri, near the capital city.

I am also a Solitary Witch, and I follow the old ways...I am always researching and growing in this respect....

I believe that hand crafting/spinning/weaving were such an integral part of life if early witches that a lot of ananlogies that work into practicing the Craft come from that work, so not only will you find me working with fiber, you will also see me working on a good deal of other projects as well.

I have a hand spindle that I use, carding combs, and I also have a saxon style spinning wheel that I built from a kit that I got at a yard sale for $10.00...I am still trying to figure out how to use it, as it does not seem to want to maintain afull wheel revolution for spinning...I am going to have to take it to the local spinnig studio and say "HELP!"

I have three Icelandic sheep fleeces in the raw that I need to process, and I have roving that I would like to spin, wo we will see how that works out. Oh, and the knitting and weaving I do as well....*VBS* many projects, so little time...
I look forward to being part of this group and blog.

Once again, thank you, Emily! -- Kim H.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, nice to meet you. I'm Pagan and a knitter too. I don't spin, yet. One of these days I will get around to learning. What are you planning to make for the KAL?

Emily said...

You're welcome! We're thrilled you're here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! Many apologies for my late greeting...Welcome! So glad you could join us! I look forward to seeing your spinning contributions- I too find the art of spinning a way to connect to my ancestors and am always finding pathways back "home."

Blessed Be.